Why Use Aulterra?

Aulterra EMF neutralizing products neutralize EMF frequencies, including 5G, so they are no longer harmful to human DNA.

Aulterra is the only company that has scientific research backing the validity and effectiveness of our EMF neutralizing products.


It’s important to understand the basics of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation to properly protect yourself and your family. Electromagnetic field radiation is a form of energy comprised of both an electric field and a magnetic field, typically associated with the use of electrical power. EMF radiation falls into two categories: non-ionizing and ionizing. Non-ionizing radiation, or low-level radiation, is present in common household appliances and devices such as microwave ovens, computers, cell phones, and wireless networks. In contrast, ionizing radiation is high-level radiation found in sunlight, X-rays, and some gamma rays. Although not as damaging as ionizing radiation, non-ionizing EMF can still negatively impact human physiology if not properly managed. Long-term exposure may lead to adverse human health problems. Fortunately, you can secure your environment from the radiation we encounter on a daily basis and have peace of mind by installing an Aulterra whole home EMF protection device.


Aulterra EMF neutralizers devices do not block, remove, or absorb EMF radiation. That is one of the unique features of our products and why they work so well. An EMF/Gauss meter will not show less magnetic fields. Again, Aulterra Neutralizers do not block, absorb, or remove EMFs. In fact, if you were to ‘block’ or remove EMFs (essentially a byproduct of electricity), your electronics would not perform well, if at all. Aulterra EMF Neutralizer products use a propriety blend of highly paramagnetic earth minerals that emit strong coherent energy that ‘neutralizes’ the (chaotic) artificial EMFs. Our neutralizers change or recalibrate the artificial (coherent) EMF waves into incoherent (natural) EMF waves (like that of the sun or planetary EMFs). These waves are coherent to the body’s naturally sustained threshold, so they are no longer harmful to biological DNA.

You can see from our Live Blood Dark Field Microscopy testing how detrimental EMF radiation is to our bodies. Aulterra EMF-blocking devices make a phenomenal difference by eliminating the harmful effects of EMF radiation.

LIVE BLOOD – Dark Field Microscopy

Independent researchers test the Aulterra EMF Neutralizer through Dark Field Microscopy and show the Aulterra™ Neutralizers ability to protect human blood from damaging alterations caused by EMF radiation.

Scientifically Tested

Aulterra Products have been proven to work by domestic and international, independent research. Studied at universities, research labs, and by doctors around the world.

Peer Reviewed & Published

Research showing how and why the Aulterra Neutralizer protects against EMF radiation was peer reviewed and published in an international research journal.

Patent Pending

The Aulterra Neutralizer is patented in the United States with 43 separate claims.
US Patent #US7485885B2

The Problem

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) believes we need to do a better job at understanding these adverse biological health effects. They have documented genetic damage, reproductive defects, cancer, neurological degeneration and nervous system dysfunction, immune system dysfunction, and many other harmful effects of EMF exposure. Many studies have revealed a link between the use of these types of technological devices and various forms of illness, due to a breakdown at the cellular level and interference in cell communication.
The effects are linked to chronic disease states, ADHD, Tinnitus, insomnia, Autism, Cancer, mental illnesses like depression, Alzheimer’s and Dementia, and problems related to focus, memory, and attentiveness. EMF studies have repeatedly shown gene mutations and DNA fragmentation, which can cause cell mutation and cancer.

The Solution

Aulterra EMF Neutralizing Products
Aulterra EMF neutralizing products have proven through in vitro studies to be the only products available to protect human DNA from the harmful effects of EMF/RF radiation. Aulterra Neutralizers reverse the bio-electrical patterns emitted by wireless devices and blocks 100% of the detrimental effects caused by EMFs on human DNA. They provide protection from molecular, electrical and thermal radiation emitted from all electronic devices.