Aulterra® Enhance (Caps)
Aulterra Enhance Neutralizes the Effects of Heavy Metals and Toxins in the Body
Since you can’t live in a bubble, Enhance capsules are the next best thing. Enhance is an activated combination of natural paramagnetic mineral elements which can neutralize the effects of electromagnetic field radiation, heavy metals, and other toxins on human DNA. Noted DNA researcher Glen Rein completed a study in which he was able to:
“ Aulterra demonstrates the ability of the energy from Aulterra’s Enhance powder to neutralize the toxic effect of copper on human DNA.” (1)
Several studies show that the energy of Enhance neutralizes adverse effects of toxic elements.
In 1996, the University of Idaho conducted toxic soil recovery studies utilizing Enhance powder. Soil samples contaminated with lead and zinc were mixed with small quantities of Enhance powder. The pre-mix soil contained 200ppm of lead, and the zinc measured 26.8. Two days after mixing Enhance into the soil, the lead measured .5ppm, and the zinc measured 6.5ppm.
In 1998, Lockheed Martin conducted another controlled study to determine if Enhance could neutralize radioactive elements. After six months, Enhance successfully reduced the gamma radiation of the control substance by 80%.
How does Enhance neutralize radiation and toxic metals? All particles coexist as waves, and all waves coexist as particles. Researchers recognize that energy cannot be created nor destroyed but changes form.
It can be said that the subatomic particles that make up toxic substances also exist in waveform. Another way of looking at the coexistence of particles and waves is that matter oscillates between particles and waveforms. Energy may be ‘captured’ in either form depending on the detection technology being used. Aulterra Enhance helps ensure that the energy is “captured” in a safe state.
Enhance Optimizes DNA Function
For years DNA researchers thought the double helix that holds our genetic code was a stationary structure. However, in recent years, these same researchers have recognized that the perpetual oscillating motion of winding and unwinding demonstrates healthy functioning DNA. This is what is known as the quantum oscillation effect.
“Quantum,” defined in Taber’s Cyclopedia Medical Dictionary, is “a unit of radiant energy.” Additionally, this quantum behavior produces radiant energy, described as “emitting beams of light.” Winding and unwinding of DNA are associated with healthy functioning DNA.
DNA exposed to toxins will not behave in this same manner but instead unwinds a little, rewinds, and unwinds a little. When exposed to Enhance, human DNA begins to repair itself and eventually achieves the desired quantum oscillation effect. With consistent use of Aulterra’s Enhance, your body can be in a constant state of healing.
Aulterra’s Enhance Helps You Achieve Greater Health and Balance
Incorporating Aulterra’s Enhance into your daily health protocol can offer an essential protective defense against potent environmental toxins, including certain forms of radiation. Additionally, adding Enhance to your current health regimen can significantly boost the benefits of all your health products and promote more significant healing, harmony, and balance.
Laboratory studies indicate Enhance helps:
- Activate DNA
- Enhance cellular activity
- Neutralize toxic substances
- Reverse cellular aging
The proprietary Enhance formulation is especially well suited to produce a free energy flow throughout the body. Ultra-sensitive frequency monitoring devices show that Aulterra strengthens the body’s energy field and establishes optimal harmonic patterns in 3 to 7 days.
The accompanying Kirlian photography shows the human thumb before and after taking Enhance capsules. The increased energy is vibrantly noticeable.
*The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.