Terms & Conditions

  • All products and services must be paid for prior to dispatch.
  • We dispatch with a speedy and tracked service in most instances.
  • Every product dispatch is sent via Express Post or Standard Post if requested.
  • Dispatch days as soon as possible.
  • Without prejudice the information on this website, data, videos audio, photos and diagrams are for education, knowledge and awareness only.
  • No products on this website are listed as therapeutic and not claimed as such.
  • We are an Australian Registered Business and therefor collect and pay GST.
  • When you order online or via the telephone you receive an emailed Tax Invoice after your purchase.
  • All products have a three month, from date of purchase unconditional money back guarantee (excluding labour and freight) provided the product is retuned undamaged and in a saleable condition with the dated proof of purchase.

Returns & Refund Policy

Thanks for shopping at Neutralizer4U.com.au with Aulterra products. We proudly stand behind out 30-day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help.

You have 30 calendar days to return an item from the date you received it for a full refund. To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it and include the receipt of proof of purchase. You are responsible for the return shipping to us. If you have any questions regarding your return, please contact us at info@neutralizer4u.com.au.


The content and material presented in this website is for knowledge and educational purposes only. No healing properties are claimed for any Neutralizer4U of Aulterra products; however it is our belief that in providing an improved environment, a person currently receiving treatment from their practitioner should find the treatment enhanced or more effective. These products are not listed as therapeutic and are in no way promoted as curative. Any recurring ill health symptoms should be discussed with your health practitioner. This information is not intended nor should be relied on as a substituted for medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. The author and publisher cannot, in anyway be held responsible for any improper use resulting from any information contained herein